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Australia's Top 10 Monoliths |
1. Uluru (Ayers Rock), NT
Location: Uluru NP, 450 km west of Alice Springs, NT
Uluru is one of Australia's most famous landmarks and is the country's most visited site. The mysterious red monolith is the weathered peak of a buried mountain range and rises some 430 metres from the desert and has a perimeter of 9.4 km. The rock is believed to extend several kilometres below the surface and covers an area of 3.3 square kilometres. The red colour of Uluru is due to iron minerals in the surface rocks oxidising with the air.
2. Mt. Augustus, WA
Location: 320 km east of Carnarvon, WA
Though Uluru is the largest "free-standing" monolith, Mount Augustus is the world's largest monolith. It is 2.5 times larger than Uluru (Ayers Rock). One of the most spectacular solitary peaks in the world, standing at 1105 metres above sea level, Its summit has a small peak on a plateau, and rises about 717 metres above a stony, red sandplain of arid shrubland dominated by wattles, cassias and eremophilas. The rock is 8 km long and covers an area of 4795 hectares. Because of its immense size, the mountain is clearly visible from the air for more than 160 kilometres.
3. Mt. Conner, NT
Location: 100km east of Uluru, NT
The third of Australia's great monoliths, Mount Conner is on the western fringe of the vast Northern Territory cattle station, Curtin Springs. Called Atilla by the Aboriginals, it looks a bit like Uluru, however it is in fact lower and wider. Circling Mount Conner reveals a series of rugged gorges, a perfect haven for small populations of Red Kangaroos and Rock Wallabies.
4. Bald Rock, NSW
Location: Bald Rock NP, near Tenterfield, NSW
Situated on the New South Wales-Queensland border, Bald Rock is Australia's largest granite monolith, and rises to 1277 metres above sea level. It towers about 200 metres above of the surrounding bushland, is 750 metres long and 500 metres wide. The granite dome is actually water streaked, creating a striking view on any day. From the top visitors are rewarded by expansive views across a beautiful granite outcrop dotted landscape.
5. Wave Rock, WA
Location: Hyden, WA
14 metres high, and 110m long, the face of Wave Rock appears ready to crash onto a pre-historic surf, now frozen in time. Believed to have formed over 2700 million years ago, Wave Rock is part of the northern face of Hyden Rock. The shape of the wave is formed by gradual erosion of the softer rock beneath the upper edge, over many centuries. The colours of the Wave are caused by the rain washing chemical deposits (carbonates and iron hydroxide) down the face, forming vertical stripes of greys reds and yellows.
6. Mt. Wudinna, SA
Location: 12kms north-east of Wudinna, Eyre Peninsula, SA Mt. Wudinna, SA's largest exposed monolith, is in the heart of South Australia's granite country. In addition to its fascinating geological landforms, Mount Wudinna, like many of the bare granite hills in the district, is encompassed by low stone walls to catch and divert run off water. These channels were constructed by hand when the area was first settled and provided the only source of water for farms and the town for a number of years. Mount Wudinna stands 260 m above the surrounding area and covers an area of about 112 ha.
7. Pildappa Rock, SA
Location: Wundinna, Eyre Peninsula, SA Located near Mt. Wudinna, Pildappa Rock is a unique pink inselberg located 15 kilometres northeast of Minnipa. Situated in South Australia's granite country, it is proudly proclaimed by locals as a rival to the more famous "Wave Rock" located in Hyden WA. Formed about 1500 million years ago Pildappa Rock is part of the vast Gawler Craton - a geological shield structure covering central Eyre Peninsula, the Gawler Ranges and large parts of outback South Australia.
8. Walga Rock, WA
Location: 48 kilometres west of Cue, WA This huge granite monolith is 50 metres high, 1.5 kms long and 5 kms around. A large cave contains an impressive gallery of Aboriginal paintings, making the site of deep cultural and spiritual significance to the Aborigines. Most probably painted with ochre from Wilgie Mia, the gallery features motifs that are predominantly non-figurative. One of the more outstanding motifs is that of a ship with two masts, ratlines, rigging and square portholes in the hull, a remarkable occurrence considering the site is over 300 kilometres from the sea. It is believed to depict on of the Dutch ships that visited the region's shores in the 17th century.
9. Pine Mountain, Vic
Location: Burrowa-Pine Mountain National Park, Walwa, Vic
Pine Mountain is a gigantic granite monolith, said to be 1.5 times bigger than Uluru. Covered with vegetation, the monolith was uplifted to its present height of 1062m more than 2 million years ago. Since then erosion has highlighted the steep eastern side, established several creeks, and in the upper area, created small rock pools. From the west side base there is a scenic walking track which traverses large granite outcrops and leads to the summit of Pine Mountain.
10. Kokerbin Rock, WA
Location: Bruce Rock, WA Koberbin Rock is the third largest free standing monolith in Australia and is recognised as an interesting unspoilt spot for flora and fauna study. The granite rock covers 9 hectares and towers 122m above ground level. The rock features interesting formations, caves and a deep well on the western side. Up close it gives the appearance of being a smaller version of Hyden's Wave Rock as it also has a "wave" wall.