Travel Britain

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rail travel britain
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rail travel britain
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Travel Britain By rail

When it comes to exploring Britain, the most hassle-free and comfortable travel option is rail. There are no airport check-in lines or being confined to your seat, and as railway stations in Britain are generally right in the middle of town, chances are your train will drop you within walking distance of your accommodation, no matter what and where your destination might be. Though there are a lot less railway lines than their used to be 50 years ago, those that remain provide a comprehensive service and cover the majority of destinations a traveller from overseas would want to visit.

Our experience on our trips to Britain when we have ultisled the railway network has been to find accommodation in a region we want to explore, and then use it as a base, making day trips by train into the surrounding countryside during our stay there. Below is a link to our list of places that are ideal to use as centres from which to explore a region, with suggested destinations travellers can visit from those bases. They are not necessarily places that are recognised universally as regional centres, nor is every city in Britain that is thus recognised listed here; those listed have been selected only because they lend themselves to being used as bases from which to explore Britain.

Scenic Journeys of Britain

A generation ago, Britain’s railways were almost consigned to history when, in a cost cutting exercise, the British Government foolishly closed thousands of stations and lines across the country. But some gems survived, and are among the more scenic journeys across Britain.

In Search of Australia’s Founding Fathers

Modern Australia was founded as a British colony in 1788. Those who were involved came to Australia as part of a tour of duty, hence none remained here but returned to Britain to continue their normal lives there. We travel Britain in search of where they were laid to rest.

Classic Steam
The Flying Scotsman

Flying Scotsman is Britain’s favourite steam locomotive. Since 1862, the Flying Scotsman train service has been transporting passengers between London and Edinburgh in true style. The Flying Scotsman story is rooted in the origins of the railways in nineteenth-century Britain.

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