The Discovery of Australia: Naming Australia's Coastline

Cape York to Cape Leveque
West Point
9.9.1839. Wickham. Location in relation to Port Darwin.

Charles Pt
9.9.1839. Wickham. Named after Naturalist
Charles Darwin (1809-1882). Darwin was the British naturalist who became famous for his theories of evolution and natural selection. From 1831 to 1836 Darwin served as naturalist aboard the HMS Beagle on a British science expedition around the world which visited the northern shores of Australia. The expedition visited many places around the world, and Darwin studied plants and animals everywhere he went, collecting specimens for further study. Like several scientists before him, Darwin believed all the life on earth evolved (developed gradually) over millions of years from a few common ancestors. Although supported by a mass of circumstantial evidence, his theory of natural selection does not include a testable hypothesis for discovering the mechanisms of heredity.

Thrings Channel
1862. Named by John McDouall Stuart after the third officer of Stuart's final exploration party which was the first to finally cross the Australian continent from south to north. Stuart also named Things Creek and James Creek, into which it flowed. Over time James Creek has disappeared from nomenclature with Things Creek being the name for the whole of the stream.

Pt Emery
9.10.1839. Wickham. Named after Lieut. James Barker Emery who found fresh water below the cliff point after entering harbour on the HMS Beagle. Although named Emery Point by Wickham and Stokes, from the time Palmerston (now Darwin) was settled in 1869 until World War II, the point was known as Point Emery. Army mapping and Navy charts of the early to mid 1940s show the point as Emery Point, by which it is known today.

Bynoe Harbour (right)
12.9.1839. Wickham. Named after Benjamin Bynoe, surgeon, bird collector and boatswain, HMS Beagle.

West Channel
10.10.1839. Wickham. Its location.

Fish Reef
10.10.1839. Wickham(?). Many fish caught here. No mention of the name appears in the journal of the exploration by Wickham and Stokes, and the name did not appear on Admiralty charts until March 1870.

Quail Isld
10.10.1839. Wickham (/). Quail found here.

Bare Sand Isld
The name Bare Sand Island first appeared on charts in 1913, but since 1920 has marked a different island. This confusion is evident to those who use or know of the islands, with locals calling the eastern island Bare Sand Island and the other island Sandy Island; whilst other locals know the western island as Bare Sand Island and the eastern island having no name. One theory for the name Bare Sand Island is that the name was applied to the eastern rock island because it was bare of sand, where as the western island is sandy. Alternatively, the name could have been given prior to 1883 to the western island as it was bare sand, with no vegetation.

Grose Isld
29.8.1819. King. This island takes its name from Cape Grose which was bestowed on the point by PP King who also records Paterson Bay which was later called Port Patterson by Wickham and Stokes in 1839. The association between Pat(t)erson and Grose, both known to Governor King (PP King's father) suggests that Grose Island was named after Major Grose. Grose Island was used as a RAAF bombing range between 1957 and 1979.

Beer-Eetar Isld
The name appears on present mapping series and has been adopted from the pre-war Naval Hydrographers records. The origin of the name if unknown but is believed to be of aboriginal origin.

Dum In Mirrie Isld
First charted by the Navy in 1969 and the Army in 1943. The first reference to Dum in Mirrie is by Basedow in 1905 when he used the orthography Damminmurre and associated the island with the Star Dreaming mythological track. The Aboriginal Area Protection Authority has the name as Daminmirri Wulmar which is similar to Basedow's orthogrphy.

Indian Isld
Wickham and Stokes. The journal HMS Beagle recorded Indians crossing Bynoe Harbour on a raft (Raft Point). Aboriginals at that time were referred to as Indians. The name first appeared on the British Admiralty Charts in 1883. Its aboriginal name of Uldy Jedlo was recorded on a chart 1935.

Port Patterson
2.9.1819. King.
King's spelling of the name of the Port was incorrect as it commemorates the colonial Lieutenant-Governor of NSW, William Paterson (1755-1810). The nearby Paterson Point was named in 1990 - the Point is named to reflect the correct spelling of Paterson.

Fog Bay
B T Finniss in a report of the coast between Escape Cliffs and Victoria River, dated 1st September 1865, to Hon Henry Ayers, Chief Secretary wrote:- "We named it Fog Bay, as a very dense fog in the morning rendered all objects invisible beyond one hundred yards".

Point Blaze
1.9.1819. King. King's published report "Survey of the Intertropical Coasts of Australia", states, " ... we anchored off a point of land, which, from the circumstances of a very large fire burning upon it, was called Point Blaze."

Channel Pt
2.9.1819. King. Descriptive.

Peron Islds
PP King records (2nd September 1819) the naming of Peron Island by Nicolas Baudin in June, 1803. He compared his longitude with Baudin, who is believed to have named the Island after Francois Peron, the French naturalist who was accompanying Baudin on the Naturalist. However, there is no mention of Baudin naming the island in Christine Cornell's translation of "The Journal of Post Captain Nicolas Baudin"
Named after Expedition naturalist, Francois Peron. . Peron has the distinction of having more Australian coastal features named after him than anyone else. that is because he took his expedition's journal back to France after Baudin's death and was responsible for it being published. He detested Baudinand changed most of the coastal features named after the leader to his own name.

Anson Bay
2.9.1819. King. Named after George Anson (1697-1762). British admiral, entered the navy in February 1712 and became lieutenant in 1716, commander in 1722 and post-captain in 1724. In 1737, he was appointed to the Centurion which, as flagship of a fleet of six ships, was sent out ill-equipped to attack the Spanish possessions in South America. After losing 5 ships by successive disasters, he circumnavigated the world in the course of eight years, capturing underway at Cape Espiritu Santo the Nuestra Señora de Covadonga. By the world at large, he is known as the commander of this voyage. In 1745, he was invited to join the Admiralty with the rank of rear-admiral of the white. In 1751, he became first Lord of the Admiralty.

Cliff Head
2.9.1819. King. Descriptive.

Red Cliff
2.9.1819. King. Descriptive.

Cape Ford
3.9.1819. King. PP King's Journal of his exploration of the Australian coast makes no mention of after whom it is named.

Cape Scott
3.9.1819. King. PP King's Journal of his exploration of the Australian coast makes no mention of after whom it is named.

Cape Dombey
16.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Joseph Dombey, 18th century French Doctor of Medicine, Medical Botanist and a well known artist who enriched the Museum at Paris with numerous collected plants.

Hyland Bay

Tree Point
2.9.1819. King. Descriptive.

Port Reefs
2.9.1819. King. Descriptive.

Cape Hay
8.8.1819. King. PP King records steering close to Cape Hay, but does not mention the origin of the name in his narrative.

Pearce Pt
Mentioned in PP King's narrative (10.9.1819) as a name applied by Matthew Flinders in March 1803 in South Australia after a person in the Admiralty, (possibly Capt Joseph Pearce). Somehow the point was named Point Pearce by Kinh but for what reason was not stated.

Joseph Bonaparte Gulf
16.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Joseph Bonaparte (right) , brother of Napoleon Bonaparte (1768-1844). Born at Corte in Corsica, educated at the college at Autun in France, returned to Corsica in 1784 and studied law at Pisa. He became a barrister at Bastia and was soon elected a councilor of the municipality of Ajaccio. Became Napoleon's King of Spain, but failed to meet his brothers expectations in the interest of the Spanish people. After Napoleon's defeat, he fled from Spain. He died at Florence.

Barthelemy Hills
16.8.1801, Baundin. Francois Barthelemy (1747-1830) diplomat and member of the Directory, later marquis or Nicolas Martin baron Barthelemy (1765-1835), distinguied French general who fought in Spain.

Treachery Bay
7.12.1839. Wickham. John Lort Stokes was speared by a native here. Stokes recorded, "to commemorrate the accident which behell me, the bay within Pt Pearce was called Treachery Bay, and a high hill over it Providence Hill."

Fossil Head
10.10.1839. Wickham. Fossils found here. It was siscovered by Commander J Lort Stokes whilst surveying from HMS Beagle in Treachery Bay, an estuary of Victoria River. On Stokes' chart of Victoria River this feature is called Fossil Summit.

Keyling Inlet

Gore Channel
10.10.1839. Wickham. Named after Lieut. Graham Gore, HMS Beagle.

Queens Channel
2.12.1839. Wickham. Named after the newly crowned Queen Victoria.

Quoin Isld
10.10.1839. Wickham. Shape of a patch of trees on the island.

Entrance Isld
17.10.1839. Wickham. Located at the entrance of Victoria River.

Blunder Bay

Turtle Pt
4.9.1819. King. Turtles seen there.

Pelican Isld
4.9.1819. King. Pelicans seen there.

Rocky Isld
4.9.1819. King. Descriptive.

Medusa Banks
14.9.1819. King. PP King's journal records that Peron's Atlas mentions the basket fish or sea basket, a species of crinoid in this area. It is a soft gelatinous hydrozoan or jelly fish. The French named it Banc des Meduses "after their siting in 1803."

Cambridge Gulf
29.9.1819. King. Named after the Viceroy of Hanover.


Barnett Pt

Mullett Pt

Nicholls Pt
27.9.1819. King. Named after crew member William Nicholls, who died there.

Adolphus Isld
27.9.1819. King. Named after Lieutenant Adolphus W. Greely. The first official Arctic expedition, launched in 1881-1882, was organized as part of the first International Polar Year. Under the command of Lieut. Greely, it was based at Lady Franklin Bay, on Ellesmere Island, and made magnetic and meteorological observations. In 1884, when relief vessels finally arrived, 17 members of the expedition had perished from cold and starvation.

East Arm / West Arm
27.9.1819. King. Descriptive.

Vancouver Pt
27.9.1819. King. Named after Capt. George Vancouver, RN. Whilst at Possession Point on Vancouver Peninsula in King George Sound near Albany, WA, Vancouver had taken possession of Western Australia for King George III on 29th September 1791.

Lacrosse Isld
16.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Jean-Baptiste Raymond, Baron de Lacrosse (1765-1829), French admiral.

Cape Dussejour
16.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Piere Archilles Dionis DuSejour (1734-1794), French mathematician.

Cape Bernier
16.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Francois Bernier (1779-1803), astronomer, Naturaliste. He died during the voyage on 5.6.1803.

King Shoals
27.9.1819. King. Named after Expedition leader.

Thurburn Bluff

Buckle Head

Reveley Isld

Cape St Lambert
16.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Jean François de Saint-Lambert (1716-1794). French philosopher and poet. He devoted himself to literature, producing a volume of descriptive verse Les Saison in 1769. His fame came chiefly from his amours.

Eric Isld

Elsie Isld

Cape Rulhieres
14.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Claude Carloman de Rulhière (1735-1791). Born at Bondy, near Paris, on 12.06., became aide-de-samp to Marshall Richelieu, whom he followed through the Hanoverian campaign of 1757 and to his government at Bordeaux in 1758. He was sent to St. Petersburg as secretary of legation at the age of twenty-five. Here he actually saw the revolution which seated Catherine II on the throne and wrote his Anecdotes sur la révolution de Russie en 1762, a work justly ranked among the masterpieces of the kind in French.

Lesueur Isld
14.8.1801. Baudin. Named after
Charles-Alexandre Lesueur, Artist, Geographe.

Cape Londonderry
30.9.1819. King. Named after Robert Stewart Londonderry (1769-1822), 2nd Marquess of Londonderry, British Statesman, known in history as Lord Castlereagh, born on 18.06., went to St. John's College, Cambridge, but left after one year. He took his seat in the Irish House of commons at the age of 21. and played a dominant role in English history. He cut his throat with a penknife on 22.08.1822.

Stewart Isld

Cape Talbot
1.10.1819. King. Named after Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.

Curran Pt

Governor Isld
Named after Napier Broome, Governor of Western Australia.

Galley Pt

Red Bluff
1.10.1819. King. Descriptive.

Napier Broome Bay
Named after Sir Frederick Napier Broome (right), Governor of Western Australia.

Bluff Pt
1.10.1819. King. Descriptive.

Deep Bay

Guy Pt
1.10.1819. King. Descriptive.

Anjou Peninsula
14.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Francois, duc D'Anjou (1554-84).

Sir Graham Moore Isld
2.10.1819. King. Named after Sir Graham Moore, Admiral of the Board of the Admiralty. In October 1804, the French frigates Fama, Clara and Medea was captured by a squadron of four British frigates under Captain Graham Moore.

Mary Isld

Jones Isld

Elclipse Isld
2.10.1819. King. Eclipse of the Moon observed here.

Long Isld
2.10.1819. King. descriptive.

Vansittart Bay
7.10.1819. King. Named after Nicholas Vansittart, 1st Baron Bexley (1766-1851).  British politician. He entered Parliament in 1796, was joint secretary of the treasury (1801-4, 1806-7) and briefly secretary for Ireland (1805), and in 1812 he became chancellor of the exchequer under the 2d earl of Liverpool. He held office for 11 years, dealing with the problems of economic adjustment that followed the end of the Napoleonic Wars. A loyal follower of Viscount Sidmouth, he resigned (1823) not long after Sidmouth. He was raised to the peerage in 1823 and remained in the cabinet as chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster until 1828.

Jar Isld

Rocky Cove

Red Isld
4.10.1819. King. Descriptive.

Troughton Isld / Troughton Passage
4.10.1819. King. Named after Edward Troughton (1753-1835). English instrument maker, born in the parish of Corney in Cumberland in October. He joined his elder brother John in carrying on the business of making mathematical instruments in Fleet Street, London, and continued it alone after his brother's death, until in 1826 he took W.Simms as a partner. He improved the mechanical parts of most nautical, geodetic and astronomical instruments.

East Holothuria Reef
4.10.1819. King. Many Holothuria (sea cucumber) seen here.

Van Cloon Shoal
Appears to be named after Dirk van Cloon, Governor of Dutch Indies, 1732-34.

Baldwin Bank

Bishop Rocks

Cape Bougainville
14.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Louis Antoine de Bougainville (right), French navigator and explorer.

Parry Harbour

Borda Isld
14.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Jean Charles de Borda (1733-1799), French mathematician and astronomer. He, entered the army at age of twenty, devoting his leisure to mathematics. He became a member of the Academy of Sciences in 1723 and a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1728. In 1736, he led the expedition for the measurement of the length of a degree of the meridian to Lapland. On his return, he was elected member of almost all the learned societies of Europe. In 1742, he became Director of the French Academy of Sciences. He revisited Berlin, at the invitation of Frederick II of Prussia in 1744 and became the President of the Royal Academy of Sciences in 1746. After retirement in the South of France, he died in Basel on 27.07. He was rather querulous as was demonstrated by his controversies with Voltaire.

Gibson Pt

Admiralty Gulf
16.10.1819. King. Named after The British Admiralty.

Osborne Isld
16.10.1819. King. Named after Sir John Osborne, Lord of the Admiralty.

Steep Hd
16.10.1819. King. descriptive.

Crystal Hd

Port Warrender
12.10.1819. King. Named after a member of the Board of the Admiralty.

Pickering Pt
12.10.1819. King. Named after a member of the Board of the Admiralty.

Walmsley Bay
12.10.1819. King. Named after a member of the Board of the Admiralty.

Bonaparte Archipelago
14.8.1801. Baudin. Named after French First Consul, Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), born at Ajaccio on Corsica and educated at French military schools, overthrew the Revolution's Directory in the coup d'état of Brumaire (09.11.) 1799 and established a dictatorship.

Corneille Isld
14.8.1801. Baudin. Named after
Pierre Corneille (1606 - 1684), one of the three great dramatists produced by France during the 17th century, along with Moliere and Racine.

White Isld

Kingsmill Isld
Named Laplace Isld by Baudin, 14.8.1801, after Marquis Laplace (1749-1829), French mathematician.

Cassini Isld
14.8.1801. Baudin. Named after a French family of astronomers. César François, or Cassini De Thury worked at the Paris observatory, Jacques Dominique (1748-1845), or Count Cassini, also at the Paris observatory.

Insitut Islands
12.8.1801. Baudin. Named after The French Insitiut (Parliament).

Pascal Isld
12.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Blaise Pascal (1623-1662). French religious philosopher and mathematician, born at Clermont Ferrond on 19.06. was the leading mathematician of his time and for some time afterwards. His Pensées were published eight years after his death. after years long illness.

Fenelon Isld

Baudin Isld
1858. Denham. Named after Thomas Nicolas Baudin (1754-1803), leader of the French expedition to Australia 1800-04.

Condillac Isld
12.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Étienne Bonnot de Condillac (1715-1780) French philosopher. Coudillac's whole life, with the exception of an interval as tutor at the court of Parma, was devoted to speculation. Between 1746 and 1798, his numerous philosophical works were published. He had contact with the circle of Diderot. His friendship with Rousseau lasted his whole life and may have been due in the first instance to Rousseau having been a tutor to his uncle's children at Lyons. He spent his later years in retirement at Flux, a small property which he had purchased near Beaugency, and died there.

Randall Isld

Voltaire Passage / Cape Voltaire
12.8.1801. Baudin. Named after François Marie Arquet de Voltaire (1694-1778). French philosopher, historian, dramatist and man of letters, whose real name was François Marie Arouet simply, born at Paris, baptized the next day, was the fifth child of his notary father François Arouet and mother Marie Marguerite Daumard. He showed as a child an unsurpassed faculty for facile verse-making. At the age of 10 he was sent to the Collège Louis-de-Grand, managed by the Jesuits, and remained there till 1711. He died refusing religious rites, although only half conscious.

Katers Isld
1820. King. Named after Henry Kater (1777-1835). English physicist of German origin. He entered the army in 1794 to be stationed in India, where he rendered valuable assistance to the great trigonometrical survey. Failing health obliged him to return to England, where he entered the Royal Military College at Sandhurst. In 1814, he retired on half pay and devoted the remainder of his life to scientific research.

Tancred Isld

East Montalivet Isld / West Montalivet Isld
12.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Marthe-Camille Bachasson, Comte De Montalivet (1801-1880), French statesman, the second son of Jean Pierre Bachasson, comte de Montalivet (1766-1823), who had been made a peer of France in 1819. Under Louis Philippe he occupied the ministry of the interior from, with short intervals, 1830 to 1840. After 1840 he was intendant of the civil list, occupying himself with the museums of Versailles and the Louvre, and the restoration of the palaces of Fontainebleau and Saint-Cloud. In 1847 he tried to induce Louis Philippe to adopt electoral reform, and after the catastrophe of the next year undertook the defence of the July monarchy in two works, Le Roi Louis Philippe ella liste civile (1851) and Rien! Dix annes de gouvernement parlemenlaire (1862). He had become a member of the Academy of Fine Arts in 1840 and in 1843 grand cross of the Legion of Honor. The attitude of the comte de Chambord after 1870 led him to accept the republic, and he entered the Senate a year before his death, on the 4th of January 1880.

Don Isld

Walker Isld
Lieut George Grey. Surgeon of his party.

Warn Isld

Albert Reef

Montague Sound
6.9.1820. King. Named after George Montagu Dunk, Earl of Halifax (1716 - 1771). Became earl on his fatber's death in 1739. Educated at Eton and at Trinity College, Cambridge, he was married in 1741 to Anne Richards, a lady who had inherited a great fortune from Sir Thomas Dunk, whose name was taken by Halifax. In 1748 he became president of the Board of Trade. While filling this position he helped to found Halifax, the capital of Nova Scotia, which was named after him, and in several ways he rendered good service to trade, especially with North America. In March 1761 Halifax was appointed lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 1763 - 65 First Lord of the Admiralty.

Prudhoe Isld

Wallaston Isld
6.9.1820. King. Named after Dr W.H. Wallaston.

Bigge Isld
6.9.1820. King. Named after Commissioner John Thomas Bigge, who at that time was in New South Wales reviewing the Governorship of Lachlan Macquarie.

Capstan Isld
6.9.1820. King. The shape of a large rock there.

Savage Head
6.9.1820. King. Natives harrassed the crew of Mermaid here.

Boomerang Bay
6.9.1820. King. Natives threw boomerangs at the crew of Mermaid here.

Berthier Isld
13.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Louis Alexander Berthier, French Marshal, Prince de Neuchatel & Wagram (1753-1815). It is doubtful that without Louis Berthier the French command system under Napoleon Bonaparte would have functioned to the degree of excellence it did. Berthier's brilliance lay in his ability to translate the many orders of the emperor into easily understood messages to subordinates. While he was without peer as an organiser and administrator, Berthier's military talents were poor and when left in command of the army on the Danube found himself in trouble against a rapid attack from Archduke Charles. While no supreme strategist he was brave and when Bonaparte left the French forces during the retreat from Moscow, Berthier stayed behind to help both Marshal Joachim Murat and then Eugene Beauharnais. Wounded at Brienne, Berthier realised the need to remove Bonaparte from power and supported both the new government and the Bourbons upon their return to power.

Tournefort Isld
13.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Joseph Pitton de Tournefort (right), French botanist (1656-1708). Initially trained in divinity studies, Tournefort arranged the petaliferous plants into classes based on the form of the corolla, then into families based on the position of the corolla, and finally into genera as defined by the character of the fruit and seed. His system, as outlined in Élémens (Paris, 1694) and Institutiones Rei Herbariae (Paris, 1700), provided a standard throughout Europe until displaced by those of Linnaeus (ca.1760) and Jussieu (ca.1780).

Corvisart Isld
13.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Jean Nicolas Corvisart (1755-1821), an important figure in early 19th century French medicine, popularized percussion as a diagnostic tool, was the author of a major textbook on cardiovascular diseases and was Napoleon's personal physician. Corvisart became interested in percussion of the chest, translated Inventum Novum from Latin into French in 1808 (the year before von Auenbrugg died), and popularized the technique. Corvisart became professor of medicine at the Collège de France in 1797. He acquired a reputation as a skilled bedside diagnostician and an excellent teacher. His students included Laënnec, Dupuytren, Bichat and Bretonneaux. Corvisart's main interest was in cardiology. He described some of the clinical features of pericardial and valvular heart disease, including the palpatory "thrill" associated with mitral stenosis. In 1806 he published a major textbook entitled Essay on the Diseases and Organic Lesions of the Heart and Large Vessels based in part on information gleaned by the Baudin expedition.

Murat Isld
13.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Joachim Murat, French Marshal, King of Naples, Grand Duke of Berg (1767-1815)/ One of the most dashing cavalry commanders in an era of beau sabreurs was Joachim Murat. He joined the army as a cavalry trooper at the age of 20 and his first contact with the rising General Napoleon Bonaparte came when he helped suppress the Vendemaire coup attempt. Promoted, Murat joined Bonaparte in Italy in 1796 fighting at Tagliamento. During the Egyptian campaign he won battlefield promotion to general of brigade. An important part of the French army's command, Murat was the perfect harasser of retreating enemies, but his intervention at Eylau saved the battle for Bonaparte and was arguably the high point of his military career. The defeat of Waterloo forced him to try to regain his own kingdom, but he was arrested and shot. Vain to the end he told the firing squad to not aim at the head.

Robroy Reefs

Albert Isld

Combe Isld

Queen Isld

Scott Strait

Jussieu Isld
12.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Joseph de Jussieu (1704-79), French naturalist. Born into a French family of distinguished botanist s, Joseph de Jussieu accompanied La Condamine to South America, where he remained until c.1771. He introduced into Europe many plants, including the heliotrope.

Mollieu Isld
12.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Louis de Mollieu (? - 1688), French poet.

Monge Isld
12.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Gaspar Comte de Peluse Monge Monge (1746-1818), French mathematician, physicist, and public official. He was distinguished for his geometrical research, which laid the foundations of modern descriptive geometry, a field essential to mechanical drawing and architectural drawing. He also made important contributions to differential geometry. One of the founders of the École polytechnique, he served there as professor of descriptive geometry. From 1792 to 1793 he was minister of marine. He was a close and loyal friend of Napoleon and was stripped of all his honors and positions following the restoration of the monarchy in 1815.

Lamarck Isld
12.8.1801. Baudin. Named after
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829), zoologist, whose scientific theories were largely ignored or attacked during his lifetime; Lamarck never won the acceptance and esteem of his colleagues Buffon and Cuvier, and he died in poverty and obscurity. Today, the name of Lamarck is associated merely with a discredited theory of heredity, the "inheritance of acquired traits." However, Charles Darwin, Lyell, Haeckel, and other early evolutionists acknowledged him as a great zoologist and as a forerunner of evolution.

York Sound
19.9.1820. King. Named after Frederick Augustus (right), Duke of York (1763-1827), second son of George III, born at St. James Palace on 16.08, was elected to the rich bishopric of Osnabrück at the age of six months through his father's effort. He was invested a knight of the Bath in 1767, a K.G. in 1771, and gazetted colonel in 1780. After 6 years in Germany, he returned to England to take his seat in the House of Lords. He was appointed field-marshal in 1795 and commander-in-chief on 03.04.1798. Thereafter life he was associated with military matters.

Cape Torrens
19.9.1820. King. Named after Robert Torrens (1780-1864). English soldier and economist, born in Ireland, entered the Marines in 1797, became a captain in 1806, and major in 1811 for bravery in Anhalt during the Walcheren expedition. After several attempts, he entered parliament in 1831 for Ashburton. He was a prolific writer, principally on financial and commercial policy. Torrens was a friend of explorer Charles Sturt and founder of the Adelaide newspaper, The Register.

Prince Frederick Harbour
20.9.1820. King. Named after
Prince Frederick Augustus, Duke of York and Albany (1763-827), the second son of King George III of the United Kingdom and Queen Charlotte. From 1817 until his own death in 1827, he was the heir presumptive to his elder brother, King George IV. As the commander-in-chief of the British Army, he presided over the unsuccesful 1793-98 Flanders campaigns during the French Revolutionary Wars. He is now mainly remembered as the inspiration for the nursery rhyme, "The Grand Old Duke of York".

Hardy Pt

Port Nelson
20.9.1820. King. Named after
Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson of the Nile, Baron Nelson of the Nile, Vice Admiral of the White (1758-1805), British naval officer, who won fame as a leading naval commander before his death at the Battle of Trafalgar made him one of Britain's greatest national heroes.

D'Arcole Islands
11.8.,1801. Baudin. The Battle of Arcole, where Napoleon defeated the Austrians in November 1796.

Colbert Isld
11.8.,1801. Baudin. Named after Jean Baptiste Colbert (1619-83), French statesman, Minister for Finance to Louis XIV.

Buffon Isld
10.8.,1801. Baudin. Named after
Georges Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707-1788), French naturalist. Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (September 7, 1707 - April 16, 1788) was a French naturalist, mathematician, biologist, cosmologist and author. Buffon's views influenced the next two generations of naturalists, including Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and Charles Darwin.

Desaix Isld
10.8.,1801. Baudin. Named after Louis-Charles Antoine De Saix (1768-1800), a general in the French army.

Desfontaines Isld
10.8.,1801. Baudin. Named after Ren Louiche Desfontaines (1750-1833), French botanist. After graduating in medicine at Paris, he was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences in 1783. In the same year he set out for North Africa on a scientific exploring expedition, and on his return two years afterwards brought with him a large collection comprising I600 species of plants, of which about 300 were described for the first time. In 1786 he was nominated to the post of professor at the Jardin des PlanteHis great work, Flora Atlantica sive historia piantarum quae in Atlante, agro Tunetano et Algeriensi crcscunt, was published in 2vols. 4to in 1798, and he producedin 1804 a Tableau de lcole botanique du museum dhistoire naturelle de Paris, of which a third edition appeared in 1831, under the new title Catalogus plantarum horti regii Parisiensis. He was also the author of many memoirs on vegetable anatomy and physiology, descriptions of new genera and species, &c., one of the most important being a Memoir on the Organization of the Monocotyledons.

Freycinet Isld
11.8.,1801. Baudin. Named after Louis Claude de Saules de Freycinet, sun leiutenant on Naturaliste, and later commander of the Casuarina and the Uranie.

Bernouille Isld
10.8.,1801. Baudin. Named after Johann Bernoulli (1667-1748), a Swiss mathematician. He was the brother of Jakob Bernoulli, and the father of Daniel Bernoulli. He is also know as Jean or John Bernoulli. With his brother Bernoulli pioneered Gottfried Leibniz's calculus. He also contributed to many areas of applied mathematics, including the problem of a particle moving in a gravitational field. He found the equation of the catenary in 1690 and developed exponential calculus in 1691.

Coronation Isld
19.9.1820. King. Charted on the anniversary of the King's coronation. Named Theraudien Isle by Baudin, 10.8.1801, after Louis Theraudien, Secretary of the French Navy.

Commerson Isld
10.8.,1801. Baudin. Named after Philbert Commerson (1727-1773), French naturalist who accompanied the Bougainville expedition to Australia.

Jackson Isld
Named Aguesseau Isle by Baudin, 10.8.,1801, after Henri Francois Aguesseau (1668-1751), French statesman.

Dugesclin Isld
10.8.,1801. Baudin. Named after Bertrand Du Gesclin (c. 1320-1380), constable of France, the most famous French warrior of his age, he was remarkable for ugliness. He first made himself a name as a soldier at the tournament held at Rennes. He distinguished himself by a brilliant action at the siege of Vannes in 1342; and after that he disappears from history for some years.

Brown Isld
7.4.1838. Wickham. Descriptive of the colour of the vegetation.

Lucas Isld
10.8.,1801. Baudin. Named after Capt. Lucas, Redoubtable, who withstood HMS Victory.

White Isld

Red Isld

Vulcan Isld

Brunswick Bay
19.9.1820. King. Named after The House of Hanover, a British royal dynasty which succeeded the House of Stuart, in 1714. It is sometimes referred to as the House of Brunswick, Hanover line. The first Hanoverian rulers, George I and George II were from Hanover, in what is now Germany. The Hanoverians were descended from Heinrich der Löwe.

Cape Wellington
19.9.1820. King. Named after Arthur Wellesley, First Duke of Wellington (1769-1852), born in Ireland, was sent to Eton, and subsequently to a military college at Angers. He entered the army as ensign in 1787, passed rapidly through the lower ranks, became major in 1793, but did little regimental duty, for he was aide-de-camp to the lord-lieutenant of Ireland. His first active service was in Holland in 1794/5. In 1796, he was sent to India. For more details of his long military career consult the Encyclopedia Brittanica, 11th edition. He was buried under the dome of St. Paul's, in a manner worthy both of the nation and of the man.

Marigui Promotory
The Aboriginal name for the locality.

St Georges Basin
19.9.1820. King. Named after King George II, the reigning morarch.

Hanover Bay
19.9.1820. King. Named after the House of Hanover, a British royal dynasty which succeeded the House of Stuart, in 1714. It is sometimes referred to as the House of Brunswick, Hanover line. The first Hanoverian rulers, George I and George II were from Hanover, in what is now Germany. The Hanoverians were descended from Heinrich der Löwe.

Munster Water
19.9.1820. King. Named after the House of Munster. Munster is the southernmost province of Ireland, comprising the counties of Clare, Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Tipperary and Waterford. Its name is derived from the Celtic goddess, Muma. Prince William, the Duke of Clarence was also the Earl of Munster.

Rothsay Water
19.9.1820. King. Named after the Duke of Rothesay. The title Duke of Rothesay is the official title possessed by the Heir Apparent to the throne of Scotland. Though a separate Scottish throne no longer exists and has not done so since the 1707 Act of Union which merged the Kingdoms of Scotland and England to form the Kingdom of Great Britain (later known as the United Kingdom after a further merger with the Kingdom of Ireland), the title is still held by the heir to the throne of the United Kingdom, as in effect the Scottish equivalent of the title Prince of Wales, which traditionally belonged to the Heir Apparent of the throne of England.

St Andrew Isld
19.9.1820. King. Named after the Patron saint of Scotland.

St Patrick Isld
19.9.1820. King. Named after the Patron saint of Ireland.

Entrance Isld
19.9.1820. King. Descriptive of its position to nearby the island group.

Augustus Isld
13.8.1821. King. Named after George Augustus Frederick, Ling George IV (1762-1830) was Prince Regent from February 5, 1811 to January 29, 1820, and King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of Hanover from January 29, 1820 to June 26, 1830.

Heywood Isld

Champagny Isld
10.8.1801, Baudin. Named after Jean-Baptiste Nampere de Champagny (right), Duke of Cardore (1756-1834).

Degerando Isld
10.8.1801, Baudin. Named after Marie Joseph De Gerando (1772-1842), French philosopher. At the age of 25 he enlisted as a private in a cavalry regiment. In 1799 he was attached to the ministry of the interior by Lucien Bonaparte; in 1804 he became general secretary under Champagny; in 1805 he accompanied Napoleon into Italy; in 1808 be was nominated master of requests; in 1811 he received the title of councillor of state; and in the following year he was appointed governor of Catalonia. In 1819 he opened at the law-school of Paris a class of public and administrative law, which in 1822 was suppressed by government, but was reopened six years later under the Martignac ministry. In 1837 he was made a baron. Degerando was member of the committee which organised Baudin's expedition.

Wildcat Reefs

Osborne Reefs

Bryan Martin Isld
9.4.1838. Wickham. Named after the Master of the Chapman.

Slate Islds
9.4.1838. Wickham. Descriptive of their 'singular formation'.

Wilson Pt

Hope Pt

Deception Bay

Hall Pt
13.8.1821. King. Named after Henry John Rous (1795-1877), the son of Sir William Hall, Viscount Dunwich, Earl of Stradbroke, a crew member.

Camden Bay
13.8.1821. King. Named after John Jeffreys Pratt, 2nd Earl and 1st Marquess Camden (1759-1840), born on 11.02., was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge. He became member of parliament in 1780 and obtained the lucrative position of teller of the exchequer, an office which he kept until his death on 08.10. In

Cockell Bank
15.8.1821. King. Named after Abel seamen Stephen Cockell, creew member, formerly of HMS Shannon..

Montgomery Islds
15.8.1821. King. Named after Dr Andrew Montgomery, surgeon, Bathurst.

Lizard Isld
10.4.1838. Wickham. Island found to be over run by lizards.

George Water

Success Strait

Foam Passage
13.4.1838. Wickham. Descriptive.

Doubtful Bay
13.4.1838. Wickham. Wickham doubted the Glenelg River entered this bay.

Raft Pt

Steep Island
13.8.1821. King. The island has sheer cliffs on all sides.

Eagle Pt

Collier Bay
13.8.1821. King. Named after Capt. Sir George Collier.

High Bluff
13.4.1838. Wickham.

Rankin Isld

Walcott Inlet
Named after Pemberton Walcott, master of the schooner Victoria, who attempted to salvage the Austrian barque Stefano, which was wrecked on North west cape in May 1876.

Yule Entrance

Fletcher Isld

Adele Island
Baundin. A species of insect found there.

The Funnel
13.4.1838. Wickham. Descriptive.

Secure Bay
13.4.1838. Wickham. A safe haven for the Beagle.

Buccaneer Archipelago
20.8.1821. King. Named in recollection of William Dampier, a British buccaneer and later, respected explorer, who visited the area in 1688.

Viney Isld
5.10.1819. King. Thick vines grew here.

The Pyramid
5.10.1819. King. Its shape.

Wood Isld
5.10.1819. King. Vegetation found here.

Talbot Bay (Horizontal Falls, right)

Dugong Bay

The Sisters
5.10.1819. King. Two similar islands.

Scaddan Isld

Sanders Pt

Caesar Isld

Koolan Isld
Aboriginal name first recorded during surveys of the area in 1908. It means "father island", as it is the biggest island in the area.

Yampi Sound
Native name for the locality.

Macleay Isld

Bathurst Isld
25.3.1838. Wickham. Named after King's vessel, Bathurst, which had explored the area in August 1821.

Cockatoo Isld (right)

Admiral Isld

Tanner Isld

Thornbury Isld

Cafferelli Isld

King Hall Isld

Powerful Isld

Lord Isld / Byron Isld
25.3.1838. Wickham. Named after Poet Lord Byron.

Hidden Isld
25.3.1838. Wickham. Not seen at first.

Dickenson Ridge

Tide Rip Isld

High Isld
25.3.1838. Wickham. Descriptive.

Sir Richard Isld
5.10.1819. King. Named after Admiral Sir Richard Bickerton, RN.

Mermaid Isld
5.10.1819. King. Named after the expedition vessel, Mermaid, anchored off this island.

Amur Isld

Fantome Passage

Pasco Isld
25.3.1838. Wickham. Named after N John Pasco, seaman, HMS Beagle.

Long Isld
5.10.1819. King. Descriptive.

Pecked Isld

Garald Isld

Lachlan Isld
5.10.1819. King. Named after the Governor of New South Wales, Lachlan Macquarie, 1810-21.

Port Usborne
21.3.1838. Wickham. A good anchorage was found for the expedition vessel, Beagle, by its master, Alexander Usborne.

Fairways Rocks

Sunday Isld
5.10.1819. King. Discovered on a Sunday.

Roe group / East Roe Isld / West Roe Isld
10.2.1838. Wickham. Named after John Septimus Roe, who later became Surveyor general of Western Australia.

Anchor Isld / Anchor Shoal

Karrakatta Bay

Meda Passage

Alert Rock

Escape Passage
5.10.1819. King. Passage provided a way of access for Mermaid.

Swan Isld / Swan Pt

Alarm Shoal
5.10.1819. King. Presented danger to Mermaid.

Pitt Shoals
5.10.1819. King. Named after John Pitt, 2nd Earl of Chatham (1756-1835), son of William Pitt, 1st Earl of Chatham, President of the Admiralty 1791-93.

Etheridge Patch

Fraser rock

Breading Rock

Jonas Shoal

Crawford Bay

Strickland Bay

Cone Bay
24.3.1838. Wickham. Cone shaped hill on its eastern shore.

Cascade Bay
28.3.1838. Wickham. Cascades observed here.

King Sound
14.3.1838. Wickham. Named after Philip Parker King sailed here in January 1822. Phillip Gidley King, the Governor of New South Wales, was the father of Phillip Parker King.

Augereau Island
Baudin. Pierre Francois Charles Augereau, duc de Castiglione (1757-1816), military commander who fought for Napoleon at the Battle of Arcole, later a peer.

Helpman Isld
14.3.1838. Wickham. Named after Benjamin Helpman, ship's mate on HMS Beagle's third voyage. In
February 1840, Helpman joined the colonial service in Western Australia.

Stokes Bay
25.3.1838. Wickham. Named after fellow explorer, John Lort Stokes.

Disaster Bay
18.1.1822. King. Bathurst lost an anchor here and began to drift.

Foul Point
14.2.1822. King. Bathurst drifted helplessly here.

Point Torment
25.3.1838. Wickham. Party menaced by mosquitos.

Mary Isld North / Mary Isld South

Escape Pt
14.2.1822. King. Bathurst was able to eacape damage. On 2 March, 1838 on the expedition led by john Clements Wickham, Stokes and a seaman, Ask, were rescued here when caught by an incoming tide.

Valentine Isld

South Meda Shoal

Repulse Pt
14.2.1822. King. Crew members Baskerville and Cunningham were unable to reach the Point because of a gale.

Cornambie Pt
Of Aboriginal origin.

Carlisle Head

Cunningham Pt
8.2.1822. King. Named after Alan Cunningham, botanist, Bathurst.

Deepwater Pt

Willie Pt

Cygnet Bay
20.8.1821. King. Named after William Dampier's vessel, Cygnet.

Pt Swan
20.8.1821. King. Named after the master of William Dampier's vessel, Cygnet.

Skeleton Pt
24.1.1838. Wickham. a skeleton of a native found here.

Catamaran Bay

Shenton Bluff

Cape Leveque
6.8.1801. Baudin. Named after Pierre Leveque (1746-1814), hydrographer who drew the expedition's charts.