Mount Monster Conservation Park

Mount Monster Conservation Park is noted for its predominant Geological feature, a granite outcrop with a summit height of 93 m (above sea level) offering an uninterrupted view to its predominantly flat surrounds. Mt Monster was also an important historical navigation aid during the Gold rush era and is significant to indigenous peoples.

Where is it?: South East. 13 km south of Keith. Follow the road to Naracoorte..

The park boasts many special features within its 95 hectares. There are a number of walks in the park and some excellent picnic and barbecue facilities. The view from the top of Mount Monster (100 metres up) in worth the effort. It is an ideal way to see the richness of the local area. The park is noted for its birdwatching.

The park supports several diverse ecosystems, with the main vegetation associations being Blue gum woodland, pink gum/melaleuca woodland, peppermint box/mallee woodland, golden/prickly wattle shrublands, and broombush heath. Sheoaks, banksias and hakeas are other prevailing species. Importantly, the park protects the endangered monarto mintbush which is found naturally only in two regions, here and where name suggests! The Mt Monster population is the only one protected in a Government reserve. The park also hosts a rich diversity of orchids, plus provides an important refuge to kangaroos, wallabies, echidnas, woodland birds, reptiles and insects!

Originally donated to the State Government by the Buddle, Ellis and Davis families, the park maintains strong connections and visitation within the local community. An additional section, once previously mined for its unique granite is now also protected within the park. Revegetation of some sites within the park has been conducted to speed recovery of the damaged areas.

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